Pošlite svoj životopis všetkým spoločnostiam, ktoré spĺňajú vaše vyhľadávacie kritériá.
Pošlite svoj životopis všetkým spoločnostiam, ktoré spĺňajú vaše vyhľadávacie kritériá.
Are you interested in IT & Technical Recruitment and would you like to work on projects for an international client?
Join our team as a Junior Tech Recruiter and cooperate with other team members launching Pilot Projects using innovative solutions & Recruitment strategies.
This position is suitable for a candidate at junior level.
Are you interested to find out more?
Nice to have
-English and Slovak language/ other languages are an advantage
-experience working with Digital platforms, Social Media & Online Administration tools
-interested in Recruitment & Talent Management/ previous experience is an advantage
Apply now, and get in touch with us.
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