Pošlite svoj životopis všetkým spoločnostiam, ktoré spĺňajú vaše vyhľadávacie kritériá.
Pošlite svoj životopis všetkým spoločnostiam, ktoré spĺňajú vaše vyhľadávacie kritériá.
Are you a Country Sales Manager interested in leading Business Acquisition & Business Development in Romania?
We are specialized in manufacturing & supplying fittings, sanitary equipment, measurement technology for Residential fittings & Piping system components (e.g. compressed air, cold and hot water, steam and central heating systems).
You will be responsible for developing customer relationships, establishing partnerships and actively participating in the company expansion.
This position is suitable for a candidate at senior level, understanding the Romanian market dynamics as well as experienced in fittings (heating & water), sanitary ware sale.
Are you interested to find out more?
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Other Requirements
Apply now, get in touch with us.
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